
D. Villa, I. Khan, F. Kaltenberger, N. Hedberg, R. Soares da Silva, S. Maxenti, L. Bonati, A. Kelkar, C. Dick, E. Baena, J. M. Jornet, T. Melodia, M. Polese, and D. Koutsonikolas, "X5G: An Open, Programmable, Multi-vendor, End-to-end, Private 5G O-RAN Testbed with NVIDIA ARC and OpenAirInterface," arXiv:2406.15935 [cs.NI], pp. 1-15, June 2024. [pdf] [bibtex]

D. Villa, I. Khan, F. Kaltenberger, N. Hedberg, R. Soares da Silva, A. Kelkar, C. Dick, S. Basagni, J. M. Jornet, T. Melodia, M. Polese, and D. Koutsonikolas, "An Open, Programmable, Multi-vendor 5G O-RAN Testbed with NVIDIA ARC and OpenAirInterface," Proc. of the 2nd IEEE Workshop on Next-generation Open and Programmable Radio Access Networks (NG-OPERA), Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 2024. [pdf] [bibtex]